Sunday 20 October 2019

Medical Medium: Testimonial Claire S.

My first realization that something was wrong was in September 2016. I was getting ready to fly to Texas on business when I was overcome with an incredibly intense feeling. I'd felt light headed, blurred vision and in pain before, but not like this. The airport was spinning, my vision was going, the pain in my head and neck made me want to cry out. I thought I might vomit. I thought I might lose bowel function. I dragged myself and my luggage to a private family bathroom and locked myself inside unsure what was happening. And, then I realized, I was losing consciousness. I left my luggage and somehow got the door open. A man was waiting to use the bathroom, took one look at me and realized something was wrong, "Are you okay!?!" I managed to whisper "no" and then got myself low enough so that when I passed out I didn't hurt myself. I came to with EMS surrounding me.

As long as I could remember, my heart rate would jump when I stood up, my vision would tunnel in and I'd get a sharp pain in my head if I moved too quickly. I just thought that was how everyone experienced life... until the airport event.

After the airport, my health deteriorated. Each month, I'd seem to lose more and more functions until by December, just three months later, I was bed bound most of the time and no longer able to walk to the bathroom just a few steps from my bed and struggled with fogginess in my thinking. My body was shutting down each autonomic function and it hurt. I spent my days curled up in pain trying to escape my body.

My professional endeavors were almost entirely on hold. When I could sit up and think clearly, I'd do whatever work I could.

Doctors were little help. I underwent a lot of tests, including a tilt table test that made me pass out in record time. Despite that the cardiologist, declared me 'fine' and prescribed me a wheelchair so I could be moved from the house when I needed to. Last I checked, being unable to walk was not "fine."

My husband and I started to figure out that I had POTS. It was all there in the tests. My heart rate rose over 80 bpm upon standing and I was positive for the tilt table test. Plus, all my classic POTS symptoms.

We realized POTS seemed worse around my period. I went on continuous Birth Control Pills and that helped somewhat.

About that time, my mother was searching for something to help me. She came across the Anthony William's first book "Medical Medium." I was desperate and I read it as best as I could. She explained what I didn't understand as I could not focus or concentrate well, despite completing a graduate degree and being highly regarded in my profession.

I started the Medical Medium protocol at the end of December 2016, was officially diagnosed with POTS in early January by a POTS specialist in Ohio and by February of 2017, I was having more good days than bad. I moved the wheelchair to the garage. I could not believe the difference. Sure, it could have been the Birth Control Pills which I continued taking until April. After April though, I continued on the Medical Medium protocol. My severe POTS symptoms did not return.

That entire summer or 2017, I continued doing the Medical Medium protocol although with summer entertaining, travel and the challenges of upholding the strict protocol, I began to waiver in my following. I felt great though. I went hiking, camping, white water rafting. I was back to my regular self as if the airport incident and the months of suffering never happened. I'd still feel my heart race, get light headed upon standing, but it felt normal to me.

By the fall of 2017, my symptoms of POTS were creeping back in and I was pretty entirely off the Medical Medium protocol. I would have some days where I needed to rest in bed. And, then I started having days again where my body would shut down and I'd curl up from the pain and try to escape my body.

I visited the POTS specialist in Ohio again and went back on continuous birth control pills and added a very low dose antidepressant which helps with autonomic disorders.

Now, it's 2019, and I'm still off the Medical Medium Protocol and still on the continuous birth control pills and low dose antidepressant. For the most part, I'm very functional. I only have 1-3 days a month where POTS keeps me in bed, but even then I can sometimes rally to go to a necessary work meeting or cook dinner for my children.

And why am I not on the Medical Medium Protocol if it seemed to work so well for me? I found the amount of effort was just not sustainable for my lifestyle. That might sound like a cop out, and it probably is on some level. There's just so much effort to prepare a separate meal for myself and another for my family. Trying to explain to my weight-obsessed teenage daughter that she needed to eat tofu and rice to sustain her body, but that I was going to eat a papaya instead!?! Or the planning ahead making two separate meals before going camping or on vacation or when I'm at a work event with nothing but cheesy puff pastry and sausages. That was what eventually broke my will to follow the Medical Medium, especially when I was so very functional on the medication. There's nothing like daily pain and losing your mind to convince you that the effort is worth it!

I do really think the Medical Medium protocol works! If you're suffering, TRY the Medical Medium approach. Just to know that there is help available? That's priceless!