Why this blog?

January 2018 I started with the Medical Medium protocol in order to heal myself from Pots. Pots is a form of Dysautonomia. Although I started several months before with prolotherapy as a possible treatment for this syndrome, I wanted to try a plant based diet additionally.

Image result for golden cageIn the previous months my health detoriated so dramatically that I ended up functioning at about 30%. I was suffering from all kinds of neurological problems, brainfog, excercise intolerance, extreme fatigue and dizziness. Moving and standing up made me feel dizzy and sleepy. I was not able to stand up longer than 10 minutes, walking was limited to 20 minutes. Folding laundry for 15 minutes exhausted me so much that I had to sleep afterwards. My life slowly stopped and I felt at best when I did not move at all and just sat still. I was living in a golden cage.
I was under control of a cardiologist, but the lifestyle recommendations and the prescribed medication did not have any effect. I could choose to try other kind of medications, but these medications were not directed at healing me from Pots syndrome, but rather supressing the symptoms.

This was not how I wanted to live, I had to look for an answer and solution for the cause of my health problems. I made the decision to follow my own path and stopped searching for medication as a form of treatment.

On my path to healing I started with prolotherapy and several months later I decided to follow the Medical Medium protocol. I will talk about both in this blog.

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Now more than a year later, I have made an incredible progress. My Pots symptoms have diminished a lot, I have a lot more energy and the instablity in my neck and back is diminished as a result of prolotherapy.

I got my life back. I am able to move more and more without  becoming dizzy. However I am not there yet. I still function at 70/80%. Standing up is still problematic and can cause dizziness, quick moves are still troublesome and cause dizziness. And when I become dizzy this still results in sleepiness and brainfog. 

I do not give up. I want to go for the gold medal. I want to heal myself 100% from Pots syndrome. The cardiologist said that there is no known cure for Pots, but I believe by continuing the path I am following now, there is a big chance I will conquer this syndrome and kick dizziness out of my life.  

With this blog I want to raise awareness about the role of food by collecting the experiences of people with Pots syndrome who follow the Medical Medium protocol. I hope that this can encourage people to change their diet, and introduce healing foods in their life.Related image

Additionally I will try to collect experiences of people who have had prolotherapy for their Dysautonomia/Pots symptoms. Prolotherapy is not very well known as a way of treating Dysautonomia. Therefore I will  try to get hold of them so that I can publish them on this blog.

I hope this blog will broaden your view on treatment possibilities for Pots and provide you with new insights which maybe helpful in combatting it. What I have learned from the last 12 years of dealing with diverse health issues is:
Always keep hope for healing your health problems! Never give up!

Image result for hope

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