Thoughts on the Epstein Barr virus and hypermobility

In this blog I have written about two possible causes of Pots: hypermobility in the neck and the Epstein Barr virus. In order to find a way of healing myself from Pots I started with Prolotherapy and the Medical Medium protocol. At first I thought I was doing two different approaches which are not related to eachother. And that I was betting on two horses. However thinking more thoroughly about it I am wondering whether hypermobility and the Eppstein Bar virus aren't maybe more related to each other than we think.

Image result for questionOne of the questions I still have is: Why did I develop Pots after the herniated disc operation?
It is well known that the onset for Pots can start after an accident or an operation, but why is this?

Could the operation or the herniated disc have caused dysautonomia? If yes, wouldn't it be logical that Pots would disappear when recovery take place from the operation and the herniated disc?
This unfortunately did not happen. My Pots syndrome slowly detoriated while my back problem improved.

In case my Pots is caused by hypermobility in the neck, why did my Pots syndrome arose after the operation?  The operation did not cause a hypermobile neck; I had already hypermobile joints before the operation. So why wasn't I already suffering from Pots before the operation?

Looking back I think I have been suffering already several years from a light form of dysautonomia. I have always been somewhat sensitive for becoming dizzy. Especially with warm weather, kneeling down and standing up and bending over. But this dizziness was not that problematic that I thought I was suffering from a specific health problem. So it might be possible that the operation increased my vulnerability to dysautonomia, But what has exactly changed in my body through the operation that Pots started to develop?

Epstein Barr virus
Virus, Microscope, Infection, Illness, Death, MedicineA possible answer can be found in the existence of the Epstein Barr virus. Medical Medium Anthony Williams writes in his book that the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) develops itself in 4 stages and has an increasing destructive effect on one's health. See also Medical Medium and the Epstein Barr virus  for a descriptions of these 4 stages.

From a Medical Medium point of view,  Pots is triggered to arise because the Epstein Barr virus developped itself to level 4 as a result of the operation. Anthony Williams considers Pots to be a symptom of stage 4.

Why did I develop Pots and not any other kind of disease? Did the Epstein Barr virus worsened my weak spot, in my case my hypermobility and possibly a predisposition for dyautonomia?

EBV and weakening of collagen?
Anthony Williams claims that EBV weakens the collagen which leads to an increase of hypermobility:

These conditions (Ehlers Danlos) are caused by a variety of EBV in Stage Four (sometimes Stage Three) that’s feeding off of different toxins in the liver, including old DDT and other pesticides, mercury, and some solvents. Many of these can be passed down through a family line, inherited from past generations. As the virus thrives on this fuel blend, it releases both neurotoxins and a specific connective tissue toxin, a combination that weakens connective tissue and inflames nerves at the same time. Because this is a late-stage EBV condition, it’s a sign that you have thyroid issues, too, though it’s not a thyroid symptom (source: Medical Medium Blog).

Even though I experience some difficulty believing that all cases of Ehlers Danlos or Hypermobility syndrome are a result of Epstein Barr virus stage 4, his assumption is still an interesting one. Is it possible to influence the make up of our collagen? And can this make up be affected by a virus or a bacteria?

The syndrome of Grisel is an example that it is possible. It is a rare disease in which the ligaments in the neck become more lax after a viral or bacterial infection which results in a subluxation of the upper discs in the neck.

Image result for whole foodsAlso Dr. Bill Rawls describes in a very interesting article that microbes in our bodies have the ability to degrade collagen by producing enzymes for breaking down the protein. Many of these microbes are potential pathogens that can exist within a person’s mouth, gut, and skin. Examples of microbes are fungi, virus or bacteria. In healthy people, collagen breakdown by microbes is probably occurring at a very low level. Their immune systems are able to keep microbes in check such that significant damage doesn’t accumulate, and they’re able to constantly rebuild new collagen. Net loss of collagen due to microbes doesn’t occur unless immune system functions are compromised and microbes are allowed to flourish, in which case things can get out of hand quickly. According to Dr. Bill Rawls, chronic lyme disease is a good example of this (source: text derived from this article).

Although Dr. Bill Rawls does not describe how microbes may cause or worsen hypermobility, his theory based on scientific research may indicate that there might be a relationship. He proposes herbal therapy and a diet full of fruits and vegetables to combat these microbes and their destructing effect on collagen.

What are the implications?
In case my hypermobility in my neck is partially worsened by the Epstein Barr virus or any other kind of microbes does this mean that by following the Medical Medium protocol my hypermobility should diminish? Not only in my neck but also in my whole body?

Image result for possibleCould it be that prolotherapy injections works better with Pots patients whose instability in the neck is not EBV related? And that it is less effective with Pots patients who have a collagen problem worsened by EBV? And can the Medical Medium protocol be in that case an useful addition to reduce the detrimental effects of EBV and support the effectiveness of prolotherapy?

What if the Medical Medium protocol is not able to decrease hypermobility in the neck? Could it be that Pots patients with hypermobility in the neck who experience limited effect from the Medical Medium protocol may benefit from additional prolotherapy? That prolotherapy can be the missing link in fully healing?

Image result for searching for answersTo find out, it will be interesting to collect testimonials of patients with Pots who have followed Medical Medium protocol or prolotherapy. And to investigate the effects of the Medical Medium protocol on hypermobility. In addition to gather information about the effect of prolotherapy among patients with/without EBV. Who knows it may contribute to a little bit better understanding of healing from Pots.. Nothing ventured, nothing gained


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