Words of gratitude

The last 12 years have been tough. Not only physically but also mentally. I had to manage to be a mum of two young children while physically I was sometimes struggling to deal with the day to day activities. It was also difficult that several kind of therapies did not turn out to be succesful (physical, osteopathic, chiropractic)  and that it was not always clear why there was a lack of improvement.

It was sometimes disappointing that some professionals were not prepared to look further than their own scope of expertise.  Other professionals doubted about my motivation for getting better. They had the tendency to blaim the patient if their treatment was not succesful. It is already difficult if you are dealing with complex physical problems, but it makes it extra painful if you do not feel supported and trusted by your own health professional.

Luckily I have also met wonderful health professionals who have supported me and who were patient with me in my traject of recovery. I would like to express my gratitude to them.

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First I would like to thank Yvonne Boomsma, a manual therapist who is specialised in complex backpain issues. Your support was from immence importance to me when I got my second herniated disc and operation. The recovery was slow, but thanks to your trust in me and your perseverance we made it into a succesful end. Your suggestion for a brace was life saving!

I further would like to thank my general practitioner, dr Gerts, who was very supportive to me and always took time to listen and supported me in my suggestions for treatment.

I would like to express my respect to the Dutch cardiologists Dr. Visser and his wife Dr. van Campen for their immense support of patients with Pots syndrome. And for their scientific contribution to a better understanding of Pots. You are both very appreciated in the Pots community.

I also would like to thank dr. Bjorn  and Claudia Mulder for the great work they are doing with Prolotherapy. You are both ambitious, curious, open minded and very concerned for your patients. Many patients have already been treated succesfully by you. So... never lose hope... go to dokter Mulder!
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Last but not least.. my home front.

My husband Aldo: it was not only tough for me sometimes, it must also have been difficult for you at certain moments. But we managed together and you always had a creative solution when I was physically not able to do certain things. You always said  'alles komt goed' (everything will be allright).  And I think more and more that you are getting right. Love you!

And finally Max en Thom, my two sons.
There is a Dutch saying "het kost wat, maar dan heb je ook wat". (It costs something, but then you have something). Being pregnant of you both was a little bit a tough job, but what am I happy that I got you both! You both bring a lot of ‘gezelligheid’ and.... energy in da house.  It was all worth it!  Huggs and kisses. Mama

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